Erik Ackerman

Same Sex Marriage

Oct 14, 2005

I am concerned about all of the furor surround same-sex marriages. My concern stems from what I think is a miscommunication: is marriage a secular or religious institution. I believe that as a religious institution, any given religion absolutely has the right to reject same-sex marriage. However, when it is an institution recognized and sanctioned by the government, I believe that it must apply equally to all. The fact that a particular church rejects same-sex marriage is not a reason for the government to do the same. There is a separation of church and state.

One must ask what the purpose of government recognition of marriage, and what that recognition entails. If the purpose is to promote stability of households and therefore communities, I see no reason for a restriction based on gender. If it is to provide government sanction to a religious institution, I believe it violates the separation of church and state.

What I am trying to say is this: if marriage is religious in nature, it should not be sanctioned or regulated by government and should have no direct effect on government activity such as taxation. If, on the other hand, it is a secular institution maintained and regulated by the government for the good of society, the gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, etc. of the participants should not matter.

Therefore, I think an amendment banning same sex marriage is senseless, since it either does not apply due to separation of church and state, or does not apply because it doesn't matter whether the parties involved are male or female.

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you hit the nail on the head. If marriage is a state defined by the church then govt. has no biz with defining same. Can govt. not come up with a legal contract between two people for setting up a household? No . . . not enuff political will to do so because it would cost emplyers too much money in added benefits to 2nd partner- not to mention citizens who will bully lawmakers into no action by maintaning that the church has a right to define who can and can't have a domestic partnership. There is no existentail seperation of churcha nd state on this one. Both the church and the state (businesses) gets their needs met by non-action. An intolerable situation for same sex couples who are alienated from rights other couples enjoy i.e. who is next of kin in a medical sitz where one partner is in hospital and is not legally next of kin. Thanks for your post!